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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

January/February Edit!!

It's been a while since the last post, but the Brackett Bros have finally finished the first edit, going by the name of Flatiron Media. Follow the link to vimeo to watch in HD.

January/February Edit


Thursday, December 16, 2010

7" at Breck

The Bros hit up Breck today for the 7" storm that rolled in, made a booter and hucked ourselves off of it. Bad video was taken...

Better footage to come...

Sunday, October 31, 2010


The Bros hit up Arapahoe Basin today for the first ski day of the season. After waiting in line for 30 minutes, we left A-Bay and decided to hike and ski in the Loveland pass backcountry which turned out to be a winner of an idea and a great 1st day, seshing a backcountry booter, skiing some pow in the trees and hiking to some decent lines.

Some photos:

Many more ski posts including pictures and videos to come

Monday, October 4, 2010

-- The Bros Have Been Spotted --

The bros have been getting out and about and more credible news sources than this website have taken pictures!!

Bro Simon being lifted by various other Bros after a touchdown at the Buffs big win against Georgia last Saturday - from The Denver Post
Ahmet Dadali signing autographs at the Level 1 Eye Trip Premiere, Bro Bryce can be seen getting an autograph in the white Dunks N Jordans shirt in the background - From Level 1 Productions
The Bros at Eye Trip - From Level 1 Productions